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Training on Holiday

Barony Castle

Barony Castle by livepine

Paola and I spent the weekend in Eddleston at Barony Castle. We were able to get a very good deal through my work for £10 a night.

They have a ‘fitness room’ in the hotel which has a rather sad collection of plastic weights, a few dodgy bikes and treadmills as well as two concept 2 rowers. I wanted to get a workout in so I went down before breakfast and used the only two decent pieces of kit in the room – a concept 2 rower and two 15kg iron dumbbells.

It was a pretty tiring workout, with both the rower and the thrusters working the whole body and really stressing the anaerobic system.

Unfortunately I seem to have re-aggravated my hip during this workout and will have to be careful with it over the next few days.

Workout: 3 rounds of 500m row, 20 x 15kg DB thrusters

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