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How to live to be 100+

By<br /> acbo

Photo by acbo

What does the Nuoro province in Sardina, Okinawa island in Japan and the Seventh Day Adventists in California have in common?

They are all what are termed “blue zones” areas where people regularly live to 100 and beyond.

In a talk at TED, Dan Buettner, an explorer and a writer for national geographic, discusses the blue zones, where people regularly live to 100 and beyond.  He looks at the similarities between the three groups above and what lessons we can draw from them.

An interesting point was that none of these groups participate in any formal exercise – however they all enjoy regular low intensity activity through the day. It’s certainly a change from the compartmentalised, structured activity that most of us hope will stave off the depredations of old age.

I’ve also added the word “ikigai” to my vocabulary which, roughly translated, means “the reason for which you wake up in the morning.”

What’s your ikigai?

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